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First International Conference on Invincible Defense:
The Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature discovered by modern quantum physics is a completely self-interacting, self-referral field (refer also to the section "Discovery of the Unified Field"). Although the property of self-interaction of the Unified Field can be compared with corresponding types of non-linear dynamics at more superficial levels— like non-linearly interacting fields, auto-catalytic feedback loops, or cyclic homeostatic feed-back loops—the dynamics of the Unified Field is unique because it displays the property of complete or pure self-interaction.
Even some specific quantum fields that are referred to as 'self-interacting' fields—like the Higgs fields and the gluon field—do not have the property of pure self-interaction. For the case of a Higgs field the Feynman graphs below demonstrate classical 'self-interaction' through the meeting point of several lines (pertaining all to the same field) and quantum-mechanical 'self-interaction' by the repeated looping. However, this type of 'self-interaction' is not pure self-interaction because, as shown in the formula, the propagating Higgs field also interacts with the space-time geometry.
In contrast, the infinite series of loops in the graphics below represent the infinite quantum-mechanical self-interaction of the Unified Field (see also the formula in the Note for the Expert in Quantum Physics); and the following formula of Superstring Field Theory shows that the Superstring Field—the Unified Field—is interacting with itself alone and with nothing else: this means pure self-interaction. In particular the Unified Field creates its own space-time geometry through its self-interacting dynamics.
In physics the description of the dynamics at the classical level is characterized by the fact that classical objects with fixed properties are referred to a classical space-time. In contrast, the pure self-interaction of the Unified Field at the most fundamental quantum-mechanical level implies that one has neither classical objects with fixed properties nor a classical space-time geometry to which events can be referred.
This has enormous consequences. In order to establish sequentially progressing series of events (so-called histories), quantum measurement theory requires a series of 'measurement situations' where correlations between values of observables are established. In the context of quantum cosmology this leads to the conclusion that the self-interacting unified wholeness at the level of the Unified Field expresses itself in a characteristic three-in-one structure: (1) 'Effective Observers' or 'Information Gathering and Utilizing Systems—IGUSes' establish (2) 'Quantum Correlations' between themselves and (3) 'States of Objects of Observation'.
It is essential to emphasize that quantum cosmology makes no real fundamental division into observers and observed. The three components of the 'measurement process' emerge from a unified description and in this way one has a real three-in-one structure.
A simple and yet most basic example that demonstrates from a slightly different angle how this type of three-in-one structure can arise has been given by T. Banks and is depicted by means of a series of formulas at the bottom of the chart (left side). The (1) space-time geometry emerges as the 'screen' to which the (3) states of the non-gravitational fields are referred. The (2) time parameter quantifies the 'quantum correlation' between these two aspects.
The property of pure self-interaction of the Unified Field together with the resulting three-in-one structure of the 'measurement process' in quantum cosmology implies that the Unified Field generates sequentially progressing series of events through the process of pure self-observation. This quality of pure self-observation in turn means that the non-material, quantum-mechanical Unified Field can be identified as the field of pure self-referral consciousness.
Maharishi's Vedic Science offers complete and systematic knowledge of the eternal self-referral dynamics of the field of pure consciousness knowing itself. It provides the direct subjective approach to the unified basis of Natural Law, the Unified Field of Natural Law, the field of pure consciousness—the field of Atma, the Self of every individual.
According to Maharishi's Vedic Science the complete knowledge of the self-referral dynamics of the field of pure consciousness is available in the most ancient record of knowledge, Rk Veda and the Vedic Literature (refer to oval boxes in chart). Rk Veda and the Vedic Literature display the 'fluctuations' of the field of pure consciousness, which are spontaneously generated from the self-referral impulses (Vrittis) of the intelligence of the Unified Field within itself.
These impulses of intelligence are generated as the field of pure consciousness recognizes itself in terms of the three qualities—the observer, process of observation, and the observed—within the unity of its self-referral state.
In Vedic Language, the Unified Field is called Samhita, the observer is called Rishi, process of observation is called Devata, and the observed is called Chhandas. Maharishi's Vedic Science is the science of the Unified Field of observer, process of observation, and observed, the science of the Samhita of Rishi, Devata, and Chhandas—the science of Rk Veda.
Maharishi's Vedic Technology, Transcendental Meditation, offering the subjective approach, has succeeded in fathoming the total subjective field of consciousness—the field of Atma, the Self of every individual.
The experience and utilization of the field of pure consciousness—which has been identified as the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature—result in the enlivenment of the holistic evolutionary qualities of the Unified Field in all areas of individual and collective life. This expresses itself in profound benefits for the individual—such as increased intelligence and creativity, better health, decreased anxiety, increased self-actualization, better job performance, etc.—and thereby makes the individual successful in all avenues of life. Moreover, on the collective level this expresses itself in increased harmony and the strengthening of collective consciousness of the nation (see the sections on the Maharishi Effect). As a result the nation rises to a supreme state of invincibility.
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