March 22, 2005

The Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy was founded to identify, scientifically evaluate, and implement proven, prevention-oriented, forward-looking solutions to critical national and global problems.  

The Institute works in close cooperation with universities, research institutes, governmental and private foundations, and business and industry. Having attracted a core group of renowned scientists and expert policy advisors, the Institute is rapidly becoming a leading international center for the latest scientific knowledge about cutting-edge programs that work.


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Hagelin Gets Raves, Standing Ovations at Prestigious “Prophets Conference” in Santa Monica; Will Speak at Next Five Conference Sessions

Dr. John Hagelin

A standing-room-only, overflow crowd of more than 1,000 conference participants cheered and leapt to their feet for three standing ovations during Dr. John Hagelin’s presentation at the prestigious “Prophets Conference” in Santa Monica on February 4-6.

Dr. Hagelin electrified the crowd with his talk “Creating Peace: The Discovery of the Unified Field and its Practical Application to Prevent Crime, Terrorism, and International Conflict.” After his presentation, he was mobbed by the audience, and his book Manual for a Perfect Government sold out in minutes. Participants praised the talk not only for its profound exploration of the nature of reality but also because it offered hope for the future by providing practical, field-tested solutions to society’s problems.

Dr. Hagelin (right) with actor William Shatner of Star Trek at the Prophets Conference.

Photo by Lisa Hamel, www.signaturephotography.net

Dr. Hagelin’s presentation also created intense interest among the nation’s top philanthropists, who are now exploring ways to help establish large Universities of World Peace in Washington, D.C., and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa. Students also responded with overwhelming enthusiasm, cheering for the University of World Peace and quickly cleaning out Maharishi International University promotional materials after the talk.

Dr. Hagelin has now been invited to speak at the next five sessions of the Prophets Conference, to be held as follows:

  • Boulder, Colorado: April 29–May 1, 2005
  • Miami, Florida: June 3–5, 2005
  • Portland, Oregon: July 1–3, 2005
  • Vancouver, Canada: August 12–14, 2005
  • Phoenix, Arizona: October 14–16, 2005

For more information about Dr. Hagelin’s presentation, including links to conference information and to an excellent online interview with Dr. Hagelin, please click here.

February Brings Great Upsurge
of Media Coverage

Thanks to the outstanding work of Dr. John Hagelin’s national media team at the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, media coverage of Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based programs exploded in February, with hundreds of simultaneous reports published in prestigious national and international newspapers and journals. For a summary and links to specific news articles, please click here.


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