Benefits of Maharishi
Transcendental Meditation program®
for Correctional Officers (Part 2)

* A more harmonious prison atmosphere: When inmates in a correctional facility practice the Transcendental Meditation technique and experience inner freedom--despite the constraints of the prison environment--they experience relief from stress. Their self-respect and self-esteem improve. As they unfold their full potential, renew themselves from within, and release stress and tension, spontaneously the severity of their problems diminishes. They become friendlier, more reasonable, less hostile, and more cooperative. (See pp. 6-7) As a result, their interaction with their "captors" is more rewarding. Because they feel that they are finally being helped, they view the correctional officers and administrators in a more favorable light. Inmates and staff are freed from fear of violence, and naturally the entire atmosphere of the prison is transformed into one of greater peace, harmony, and orderliness.

* Improved communication and family feeling: When prison personnel begin the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique, they experience relief from stress, as do the inmates. Greater inner happiness, peace, and restfulness help the correctional officers and other personnel deal with the inmates with more understanding. In a more harmonious environment, administrators, correctional officers, and inmates begin to talk to one another and to care about one another. A genuine family feeling develops. Correctional officers, experiencing purposefulness and success in their work, communicate better with administrators. They communicate success, not problems. Administrators, enjoying success, progress, and a lack of problems in their facilities, are more willing to communicate with other members of the criminal justice system, politicians, and the public. As a result public support rises.

* Increased job satisfaction and fulfillment: When both prison staff and inmates meditate, correctional officers assume a new role in relation to the inmates--as friends, teachers, and guides. They influence and teach more by example and less by force. Officers, seeing their charges improving, enjoy the fulfillment of successful rehabilitation of the inmates. They begin to see the value of their work: protection of society from criminal persons, rehabilitation of inmates, and prevention of new crimes. Their job satisfaction, morale, and self-esteem are thereby greatly nourished and enhanced.

Senegalese correctional officers practicing Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation. Papa N'Deya, Prison Officer of Camp Penal Prison reported, "I have much more compassion towards others. There is a greater tolerance and fellow feeling toward everyone."


This study, in a business setting, found significant improvements in relationships with co-workers and supervisors, and increased productivity in comparison to control subjects after an average of eleven months practicing Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation. As a result, executives and employees experienced better relations; the benefits increase over time.

Ref: Academy of Management Journal 17 (1974): 362-368.


Research has indicated that Transcendental Meditation is associated with improvements in physiological, psychological, and lifestyle factors that typically decline in aging. This study found that those who had been practicing Transcendental Meditation for more than five years were physiologically twelve years younger than their chronological age, as measured by lower blood pressure and better near-point vision and auditory discrimination. By reversing declines in physical functioning, the Transcendental Meditation program leads to a longer, happier, and more productive life.

Ref: International Journal of Neuroscience 16 (1982): 53-58.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of Maharishi Integrated System of Rehabilitation

Introduction to Maharishi's Integrated System of Rehabilitation

Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for Correctional Officers (Part 1)

Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for Correctional Officers(Part 2)
(current page)

Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for Inmates (Part 1)

Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for Inmates (Part 2)

Experiences and Reports of Correctional Officers and Inmates (Part 1)

Experiences and Reports of Correctional Officers and Inmates (Part 2)

Benefits to the Department of Corrections

Savings for Taxpayers and Victims of Crime

Summary of Benefits of Transcendental Meditation program in Corrections

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Related Topics:

  • Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation program
  • Transcendental Meditation program
  • Maharishi International University

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    Maharishi International University
    Department of Rehabilitation,
    1700 University Court, Fairfield, IA 52556 U.S.A.
    Tel: 641-472-2857
    Fax: 641-472-8908