How to Harness the Laws of Nature to Bring Maximum Success to Government
by Dr. John Hagelin

Dr. Hagelin is a leading proponent of using the latest scientific discoveries for solving America's problems. In his recent book, Manual for a Perfect Government, Dr. Hagelin shows how the combined application of modern science and the ancient Vedic science of consciousness has profound implications for the science of governance, and provides practical public policies that harness the laws of nature to solve acute social problems and to profoundly enhance governmental effectiveness.

Introduction: New Knowledge for a New Era

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This book is about perfection in government, and the surprising ease with which it can be achieved. It shows how any government can enlist the support of natural law -- to solve acute social problems and bring unprecedented progress and prosperity to their nation.

In recent years, modern science has gained a deep understanding of the profound organizing principles through which nature governs the universe. These principles uphold order in all physical and biological systems, and support the life and evolution of innumerable species. According to the latest scientific research, these same natural laws and profound organizing principles can be directly applied to human society, to alleviate social problems and raise government leadership to a whole new level. This application is through technologies and programs that harness specific laws of nature, and that bring the whole of national life into greater accord with natural law. This Manual explains these modern technologies, the principles behind them, and the extensive scientific research on their unique effectiveness.

Government leaders today face serious challenges. Global competition, the intensity of change, pervasive social stress, and numerous factors pose obstacles to government that are historically unprecedented. Although some nations are adapting to these challenges more successfully than others, few government leaders are satisfied with the level of progress, quality of life, health, safety, and security of their people.

Every age brings new demands. And new demands require new knowledge. Although the fundamental principles behind this book have been known for some years within the physical and biological sciences, researchers from these cutting edge fields have yet to translate these profound scientific principles into meaningful social policy. As a consequence, political scientists and government leaders have been left on their own to devise social programs and government policies on the basis of what are essentially 19th century principles. This Manual takes the latest developments in our scientific knowledge, and translates this knowledge into practical social policy.

Purpose of Government

The most basic human impulse is the desire for happiness. Happiness, in turn, is linked to growth -- growth of power, growth of knowledge, expansion of influence. In the course of human evolution, civilizations formed to accelerate and facilitate this process of growth and expansion of happiness. The division of labor and infrastructure that society offers liberates individuals substantially from the basic needs of survival, and thus bestows the freedom to pursue activities that are aligned with one's own natural interests and talents -- and thereby affords a path to growth.

With the development of advanced societies, governing structures emerged. The purpose of these governments was to help coordinate the functioning of society, to preserve social order, and otherwise facilitate the purpose of society, which is the happiness and growth of its members. While governments and civilizations have increased in size and complexity, the fundamental purpose of government remains the same -- the growth and happiness of its citizens.

In recent times, as the challenges and complex demands placed upon governments have grown increasingly severe, governments have strayed from this basic purpose. Instead, they are preoccupied with managing crises, maintaining order, fighting to preserve their elected office, and holding together their constituencies in the parliament. Some governments have become so crippled by problems and political infighting that they have become a part of the problem. Popular political movements like the Libertarians in the U.S., have arisen based on the understanding that governments are not only failing to fulfill the interests of society, but have actually become an obstacle to that fulfillment. This growing inability of governments to bring satisfaction to their citizens has led to frustration, popular unrest, and governmental instability.

What governments need urgently is a technology to ensure the progress, success, and happiness of their citizens. According to the research presented in this book, this is not only possible, but it is easy. Such is the character of natural law -- Nature's Government -- which nourishes the lives of millions of species in earth's complex ecosystems. These species coexist and evolve in magnificent concert, in an intricate web of mutual interdependence and mutual enrichment.

This Manual identifies these universal, life-supporting principles of Nature's Government, and applies these same, time-tested principles to the governance of society. It explains how any government leader, by bringing national law and the administration of society into greater harmony with natural law, can achieve the same efficiency and skill of administration seen in the orderly administration of the universe.

First, in Chapter 1, we show how problems faced by governments arise from the "violation of natural law" by the whole population -- i.e., from failing to take advantage of the laws that uphold physiological, psychological, and sociological health. We also explain how the violation of natural law causes stress, and how stress leads to further violation of natural law. The widespread violation of natural law, and the resulting epidemic stress levels throughout society, have caused a dangerous slide in collective consciousness, with rising crime, drug abuse, and the decay of society's cherished institutions. We point out that government is no "messiah." It is not a treasure chest of health or wealth. Government cannot bestow health or wealth upon the people that is not a direct product of the people themselves. If citizens violate natural law and sow the seeds of problems and ill health, there is little that government can do for them.

In Chapter II, we show how such problems are easily addressed by bringing national life into accord with natural law, problems born of violation of natural law are eliminated. And by gaining the support of natural law -- by taking maximum advantage of the laws of nature governing the individual and society -- unrestricted progress and prosperity result.

In Chapter III, we explain how, based on the latest scientific understanding of human physiology and neurophysiology, individual thought and action can be brought into full accord with natural law. We present scientific research on the practical benefits of specific developmental technologies that have proven most effective in restoring physiological and psychological balance, and in raising individual life to be in accord with natural law.

In Chapter IV, we show how these same individual benefits can be extended to society as whole. We explain how, due to natural amplification mechanisms that exist within a social system, it is remarkably easy to effect a society-wide transformation from widespread violations of natural law to life in accord with natural law. The vicious cycle in which the violation of natural law causes stress, and stress leads to further violations of natural law, is broken. We also show how reducing social stress and bringing national life into accord with natural law eliminates traditional obstacles to governance, such as politically motivated resistance to governmental initiatives. We also show how the administration of society becomes increasingly automatic when individual citizens function in accord with natural law and national law -- i.e., when they naturally uphold each other's rights to life, liberty, and happiness, and learn to fulfill their own aspirations while promoting the interests of society as a whole.

Finally, in Chapter V, we present specific policies and programs designed to bring key areas of national life and government administration into accord with natural law. We offer practical formulas to harness specific laws of nature to solve acute problems of health, education, crime, defense, and the economy -- and thus bring maximum success to governmental administration.

The policies and programs presented in this book are not speculative. They are based on the latest scientific knowledge of the laws of nature and extensive published scientific research. This work is intended to be a truly modern Manual, a guide for governments for the 21st century. As a consequence, many of the principles and practical methodologies presented in this book are new to social science.

Fortunately, we are living in a scientific age with established criteria for correct and reliable knowledge. Still more fortunately, governments have a long tradition of applying new scientific principles and new technologies when such is in the national interest. Implementation of the simple, but highly effective policies and programs presented in this book is well within the authority and capability of any government. My hope, in writing this Manual, is that governments will quickly take advantage of this knowledge to solve acute social problems, to enjoy greater success within their countries, and to create a more flourishing and harmonious family of nations.

In summary, this Manual is a concise, but comprehensive guide for government leaders on how to apply natural law -- and bring the perfection of Nature's Government -- to their national administrations. In using the word "perfection" here and in the title of this book, I am well aware of the difficulty many readers will have with this term. In light of pervasive global problems and the current challenges faced by governments, the term perfection may seem naive, if not utopian.

We have been raised to believe that perfection is an unrealistic ideal, and practically unattainable. Even religiously, we distrust perfection. The historic inability of religions to elevate human existence above sickness and problems has caused some religions to rationalize imperfection, and even glorify suffering in the name of God. So pervasive became this distrust of the ideal that even scientists began to expound the imperfection of nature -- that frictionless flow is unattainable, that perfect conductivity is unachievable, etc. Quantum mechanics overthrew these physical and conceptual limitations, and taught us that nature is perfect -- provided you know how, and where, to look.

This Manual explains how to extend the absolute perfection that exists abundantly throughout the whole of nature to the governance of human society -- and how human beings and human societies can easily enjoy the same natural success and efficiency with which nature governs the universe. By restoring governmental success, government leaders will also regain the support of the governed, and thus put an end to political unrest and the rapid turnover in governmental administrations.

With the latest developments in scientific knowledge and the practical technologies presented in this book, governments now possess the practical tools needed to ensure their own success, to bring maximum progress and prosperity to their nation, and to fulfill the age-old aspirations of government in this generation.