Invincible America Assembly Nears Goal of 2,500 Participants

The Invincible America Assembly
The Invincible America Assembly in Iowa—America’s first-ever scientific demonstration project to document the long-term positive effects of large group meditations on national trends—celebrated its second anniversary this summer with an important breakthrough.
Previous research on large peace-creating groups has confirmed that once the size of the group crosses a specific threshold—predicted to be the square root of 1% of the total population, or about 1,750 for the United States—measurable, positive shifts in national trends can be observed that establish the ground for peace, harmony, and a transformation in the fortunes of the country.
Since May 27, 2008, the number of participants in the Assembly has exceeded this threshold every day, with over 2,000 participants in place by June 2 and throughout the summer. This accomplishment is the direct result of Dr. John Hagelin’s powerful new drive in the last months to raise the numbers of Assembly participants to 2,500 and beyond.
Since the Assembly began two years ago, scientific research has repeatedly confirmed the striking long-term positive effects of this large coherence-creating group on national trends. And media coverage of these research findings, including very positive reports by Reuters and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, has reached hundreds of newspapers and journals around the world.
When the Assembly was first launched on July 23, 2006, more than 1,200 practitioners of the TM and TM-Sidhi program gathered at Maharishi International University in Iowa to create coherent national consciousness, and these numbers rose rapidly. Highly significant changes in national and international trends began to appear immediately and continued over the next two years. Over the next six months, we expect to report an even more striking transformation in U.S. social trends as the number of Assembly participants rises to 2,500—enough, according to research, to produce a phase transition to a permanently peaceful, prosperous, and harmonious society. This larger group will ensure that remaining problems in the country are quickly resolved and will permanently establish the nation on a high level of invincibility.
A comprehensive study, including a 26-point “Invincibility Index,” is now under way to document the ongoing improvements in economic, social, health, environmental, and governmental trends generated by the Invincible America Assembly. In addition, similar Invincibility Assemblies are now being established in both large and small nations to form a “ring of invincibility” around the world, thereby preventing problems and promoting permanent peace and invincibility in every nation.