Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy  

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Institute of Science,
Technology and
Public Policy

1000 North 4th Street
Fairfield, IA 52557

Phone 641-472-1200
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Bay Area Education Conferences, CEO Breakfasts Create Enthusiastic Response

Over 200 educators from California’s Bay Area attended special one-day educational conferences in Oakland and Palo Alto on October 28 and 29 entitled “Improving Academic Achievement: Preventing and Treating Stress, Anxiety and Depression, and Learning Disabilities.” Sponsored by the Committee for Stress-Free Schools, the conferences featured an impressive panel of research scientists and educators who presented results from 30 years of research on the effectiveness of the Transcendental Meditation program in the classroom. For more information about the speakers and the educational research, please visit

The conference participants included many California high school principals and community college presidents, as well as educational administrators from across the state, who were very eager to implement the program in their schools. Media coverage included outstanding reports in the Oakland Tribune, on KRON-TV in San Francisco, and on local television and radio news stations.

In addition, 75 CEOs of California high-tech companies attended special CEO breakfasts held in conjunction with the education conferences. These events introduced leaders of the business community to the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program for employee health and productivity and for company profitability. The participating executives were very impressed by the research findings, and many plan to begin Transcendental Meditation themselves and to introduce the program in their companies. For more information about these CEO conferences, please visit