Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy  

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1000 North 4th Street
Fairfield, IA 52557

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Dr. Hagelin’s “Creating Peace” talk from the
Miami “Prophets Conference” series (June 4, 2005)

Windows Media Player format
(download free player)

To download files below you must right click (or control+click on a Mac) on the link and then choose “Save target as...” or something similar to this, depending on the browser you use.

Play all (90 min.) goWatch/Download
1. Discovery of the Unified Field goWatch/Download
2. What is Consciousness? goWatch/Download
3. Experience the Unified Field goWatch/Download
4. The Unified Field is Consciousness goWatch/Download
5. Human Potential is Unlimited goWatch/Download
6. Global Citizenship goWatch/Download
7. Consciousness-based Education goWatch/Download
8. World Peace goWatch/Download