Maharishi's Supreme Military Science, the supreme science of defence, includes knowledge for perfection in every field of life because perfection in every field of life is the only ground for protecting all areas of life and living from being eaten up by stress, strain, problems, and failures.
In order to understand Supreme Military Science it is necessary that not only the limited area of military operation is considered, but the knowledge to protect all areas of life should be included. For this it is necessary to thoroughly study Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Defence, Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Government, Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Education, Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Health, Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Law and Order, Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Economics, Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Rehabilitation.
A few themes and lecture titles are mentioned below for the military authorities in every country to have a glimpse of the knowledge that they would be introducing as a part of their military training.
Theme One:
The Role of Military in Structuring Invincibility For The Nation
Utilizing the most disciplined section of
society to free the nation from fear (5 lectures)
Lecture 1: The Role of the Armed Forces to Disallow the Birth of an Enemy by Utilizing Maharishi's Supreme Technology of Defence in Military Training
1 hour 48 minutes—25 December 1977, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 2: Security through Invincibility: Structuring the basis of unrestricted peace and progress for the whole family of nations through Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence and Transcendental Meditation Programme
1 hour 30 minutes—12 October 1975, Courchevel, France
Lecture 3: Developing Strength in Military and Civilian Life: The formula to disallow the birth of an enemy through the support of all the Laws of Nature
1 hour 5 minutes—23 August 1975, Courchevel, France
Lecture 4: Advanced Military Science: The knowledge and technology to make peace invincible by keeping invincible silence lively in the breath of the nation
1 hour 19 minutes—26 February 1978, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 5: Maharishi's Unified Field-Based System of Defence: Bestowing invincibility on every nation
Maharishi's address to the World Assembly on Vedic Science
17 minutes—16 July 1985, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Theme Two:
Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Defense
Creating a national armor to ensure national security,
national invincibility (5 lectures)
Lecture 1: Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Defence: Harnessing the invincible power of Natural Law to safeguard the basis of national invincibility
1 hour 30 minutes—26 February 1978, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 2: The Art of Defence: Utilitzing the invincible power of almighty Nature located in the unbounded consciousness of the individual to spontaneously organize the defence of the nation
15 minutes—24 November 1970, Estes Park, Colorado, U.S.A.
Lecture 3: Application of Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Defence: World Government of the Age of Enlightenment accepts the failure of the United Nations Disarmament Conference as a challenge to raise every nation to invincibility
1 hour 53 minutes—25 and 29 June 1978, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 4: The Role of the Military to Harness the Infinite Power of Natural Law to Create a Powerful Influence of Coherence, Integrity, and Invincibility in National Consciousness
58 minutes—18 January 1978, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 5: Maharishi's Unified Field-Based Strategy of Defence: Blessing the nation with self-sufficiency and invincibility—bringing national consciousness in alliance with the unchallengeable power of Natural Law so that the need for defence will not arise
1 hour 40 minutes—8 November 1983, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Theme Three:
Scientific Principles of Invincible Defence
Theoretical and experimental research validating
Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme
as the means to structure invincibility for the nation (6 lectures)
Lecture 1: A New Strategy of Invincible Defence through Alliance with Natural Law: Maharishi University of Natural Law presents a conference on the fundamental principles of invincible defence
1 hour 55 minutes—5 October 1982, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 2: The Physics of Invincibility: Principles in Physics providing a scientific understanding of how the growth of coherence in individual and collective consciousness gives rise to invincibility
2 hours—26 February 1978, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 3: The Fundamentals of Invincibility Validated by Scientific Research on Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme
53 minutes—9 November 1977, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 4: The Maharishi Effect: Scientific principles validating the growth of coherence in collective consciousness through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme
30 minutes—9 November 1977, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 5: An introduction to the Maharishi Effect—Definition and research findings: The practical technology for handling collective consciousness in order to improve all aspects of society.
20 minutes—9 November 1984, Manila, The Philippines
Lecture 6: The Unified Field of Natural Law, glimpsed by the Quantum Field Theory of Physics, Directly Experienced as the Field of Pure Consciousness, and Practically Applies for the Benefit of Society through the Maharishi Effect
35 minutes—15 April 1991, Maharishi International University, Fairfield, Iowa, U.S.A.
Theme Four:
New Principles And Procedures of Defense,
Bringing Fulfilment To The Purpose of Military Training—
Preventing The Birth of An Enemy
Military power to rise to a supreme level of vitality, and invincibility (8 lectures)
Lecture 1: Creating a Strong Military Force that Will Maintain Peace in the World by Eliminating All Problems in Military and Civilian Life through Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence
Maharishi with Major General Franklin M. Davis, Commandant, U.S. Army War College and Brigadier General Robert Gard, Director, Human Resources Development, U.S. Department of the Army
Maharishi addresses the Fifth Symposium on the Science of Creative Intelligence
2 hours—15 July 1972, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
Lecture 2: Eliminating Weakness, the Seed Cause of War: Enlivening unbounded intelligence and invincible strength in the army and creating indomitable coherence in civilian life
38 minutes—15 September 1971, Kössen, Austria
Lecture 3: Maharishi's Advice to World Leaders: Utilize the technology of consciousness to create an auxiliary defence force capable of protecting the nation, because military power and weapons alone are no longer sufficient to protect the nation in the nuclear age
1 hour 10 minutes—3 September 1980, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 4: Implementing Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme in Military Training: Fulfilling the age-old responsibility of every military force to maintain the nation on the highest level of prosperity and invincibility
World Assembly on the Role of Military in Making the Nation Invincible
48 minutes—27 February 1978, International Capital of the Age of Enlightenment, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 5: Invincibility for All Nationals Made Practical: Introducing a new kind of performance in the military for just twenty minutes morning and evening
World Assembly on the Role of Military in Making the Nation Invincible
25 minutes—27 February 1978, International Capital of the Age of Enlightenment, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 6: Maharishi's Formula to Neutralize Negativity and Violence through the Enlivenment of Transcendental Consciousness—the Basis of Natural Law: Inspiring an evolutionary influence in the environment
Maharishi speaks to Ambassadors and Diplomats
30 minutes—28 October 1978, International Capital of the Age of Enlightenment, New York, U.S.A.
Lecture 7: Military Strategy of the Age of Enlightenment: Infusing the invincible power of consciousness in the day-to-day life of society to create an unshakeable basis of perfect orderliness and strength—a nation without enemies
World Assembly on the Role of Military in Making the Nation Invincible
45 minutes—25 February 1978, International Capital of the Age of Enlightenment, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 8: Maharishi's Transcendental Mediation and TM-Sidhi Programme providing the Knowledge and Organizing Power of Natural Law to Make Today's Military successful: Protecting the nation through raising the integrity of collective consciousness to the level of invincibility
45 minutes—9 September 1978, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Theme Five:
Introducing Deep Fulfilling Rest In The Age-Old,
Restless Dynamism Of Military Training
Providing a powerful basis to the traditional military training to create an
invincible force with the total support of all the Laws of Nature (11 lectures)
Lecture 1: A New Principle of Defence to Secure the Nation's Safety: Achieving victory before was through the skilful use of deep silence
21 minutes—27 February 1972, Mallorca, Spain
Lecture 2: Developing Ideal Military Education: Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence as the basis for Advanced Military Science
Maharishi addresses the First International Symposium on the Science of Creative Intelligence
1 hour 15 minutes—28 July 1971, Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Lecture 3: Developing the Full Value of Discipline in the Military: Enlivening silence in the dynamism of military training so that every action of the individual is in accordance with all the Laws of Nature
66 minutes—25 April 1976, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland
Lecture 4: Providing the Experience of Unbounded Awareness through Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Techniques to Solve All Problems in Military life
30 minutes—23 August 1975, Courchevel, France
Lecture 5: Maharishi Offers the Solution to the Problem of Stress in Air-Traffic Control: Perform mistake-free action from the infinite stability of unbounded awareness
Maharishi addresses the First International Conference on Aviation
50 minutes—1 October 1978, International Capital of the Age of Enlightenment, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 6: The Principle of Ideal Communication: Establishing awareness in the state of least excitation of consciousness so that communication enjoys frictionless flow
20 minutes—28 November 1975, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland
Lecture 7: Effective Thinking: Principles and mechanics
27 minutes—24 August 1974, Arosa, Switzerland
Lecture 8: Philosophy of Action in the Age of Enlightenment: Established in the Self, the home of all the Laws of Nature, perform action
25 minutes—2 July 1970, Poland Springs, Maine, U.S.A.
Lecture 9: Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme: Enlivening the full potential of action and integrating all five aspects of action for spiritual and material fulfillment
1 hour—3 November 1973, Valbella, Switzerland
Lecture 10: Structuring an All-Comprehensive Computer in Human Awareness: Mind established in the home of all the Laws of Nature becomes competent to produce only right and life-supporting decisions in an effortless manner
Maharishi addresses the Fifth Symposium on the Science of Creative Intelligence
33 minutes—17 July 1972, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
Lecture 11: Introducing a Silence-Oriented Philosophy in an Action-Oriented World
70 minutes—18 June 1978, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland
Theme Six:
Developing Higher Consciousness For Higher Responsibility:
The Most Fundamental Requirement For All Military Personnel
Raising the action-oriented principles of the military to their supreme value
where infinite silence nourishes infinite dynamism and opens a wide gate
of success in all possibilities (7 lectures)
Lecture 1: Developing Higher Consciousness for Higher Responsibility: Principles and practice
24 minutes—28 November 1975, Lake Lucerne, Switzerland
Lecture 2: Enlivening the State of Least Excitation of Consciousness to Enjoy Life on the Level of all Possibilities: Maharishi's Technology of Consciousness
26 minutes—26 July 1975, Courchevel, France
Lecture 3: Consciousness and Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence: the seven states of consciousness—unfolding the infinite potential of Creative Intelligence
[This lecture is from the 33-lesson course on Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence]
38 minutes—12 June 1972, Fiuggi Fonte, Italy
Lecture 4: Achieving Unity Consciousness—the Most Natural State of Enlightenment—to Spontaneously Live Infinite Harmony in the Field of Dynamic Activity
1 hour 45 minutes—17 August 1971, Humboldt State College, California, U.S.A.
Lecture 5: Unity Consciousness: The fully developed state of awareness in which unity predominates and differences in daily life are fundamentally upheld in an enjoyable state of harmony
30 minutes—20 August 1970, Humboldt State College, California, U.S.A.
Lecture 6: Knowledge is Different in Different States of Consciousness: Knowledge is supreme in the highest state of consciousness, Unity Consciousness, where one experiences the underlying unity of life in every wave of activity
1 hour—6 August 1970, Humboldt State College, California, U.S.A.
Lecture 7: Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme: Consciousness, the invincible interior of life, functioning within itself.
Maharishi speaks to Executive Governors and Citizens of the Age of Enlightenment
1 hour 45 minutes—28 January 1978, Capital of the Age of Enlightenment, Canada
Theme Seven: Harnessing The Most Powerful Commander Of
Natural Law Through Group Practice Of
Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation And Tm-Sidhi Pogramme
Raising the defence of the country to its supreme value by utilizing
the total organizing power of Nature available on the level of
pure consciousness to create ideal, invincible nation (4 lectures)
Lecture 1: Realizing the Supreme Value of Defence—Invincibility: Comprehending and commanding all possibilities through the holistic power of Natural Law enlivened in individual and collective consciousness through group practice of Maharishi's TM-Sidhi Programme
3 hours 25 minutes—10 November 1983, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Lecture 2: Permanent Coherence-Creating Groups in Every Continent: Enlivening the Unified Field in world consciousness to create a global influence of positivity and harmony—nourishing the roots of every government and establishing a Unified Field-Based Civilization
1 hour 30 minutes—15 December 1983, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Lecture 3: Creating Coherence in Collective Consciousness through Maharishi's Super Radiance Programme—the Group Practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme
37 minutes—10 January 1979, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Lecture 4: Maharishi's Message of World Peace through Alliance with Natural Law
27 minutes—1 July 1982, Seelisberg, Switzerland
Theme Eight:
Maharishi's Vision Of The Constitution Of The Universe And Its
Application: Bringing Perfection To Every Individual And Every Nation
Opening awareness to the Constitution of the Universe, the unmanifest field of intelligence, which creates the infinite diversity of the universe and governs it with perfect efficiency—applying the eternal Constitution of the Universe to enrich and support the man-made constitutions of all countries (2 lectures)
Lecture 1: Maharishi Offers the Constitution of the Universe, the Supreme Knowledge of Natural Law, to the People and the Government of Every Nation
2 hours 10 minutes—24 January 1992, Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, Holland
Lecture 2: Celebrating the Constitution of the Universe, which Administers the Entire Cosmic Life from the Field of Self-Referral Pure Wakefulness, the Field of Eternal Silence, Infinite Dynamism, the Unmanifest Basis of All Creation, the Total Potential of Natural Law: Applying the Constitution of the Universe to uphold and nourish life everywhere, establishing life in complete freedom, self-sufficiency, and invincibility
Guru Purnima Celebration
5 hours 15 minutes—14 July 1992, Maharishi's Year of the Constitution of the Universe, Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, Holland.
Theme Nine:
Maharishi's Supreme Military Science: Enlivening The Constitution
Of The Universe—Total Knowledge—In World Consciousness
Through Group Practice Of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation
And TM-Sidhi Programme By 7,000 Individuals
Structuring an automatic defence strategy by bringing the life of every nation
into harmony with the perfect hierarchy of Nature's Government (4 lectures)
Lecture 1: Creating a PREVENTION WING in the Military so that the Military can Fulfil its Responsibility to Safeguard the Nation by Creating Coherence and Harmony in National Consciousness through Maharishi's Technology of Consciousness
1 hour—22 January 1994, Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, Holland
Lecture 2: Supreme Military Science: Maharishi's Unified Field-Based—Consciousness-Based—Vedic Defence Strategy to Prevent the Birth of Internal and External Enemies: Developing national self-sufficiency by bringing individual and national consciousness into alliance with the invincible power of Natural Law
3 hours 10 minutes—10 November 1983, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
Lecture 3: The Discovery of the Constitution of the Universe: Bringing the constitution of every country into alliance with the Constitution of Nature's Government to achieve the supreme ideal of administration—government that is capable of satisfying everyone
Interview by MacLean's, the major news magazine of Canada
20 minutes—23 December 1991, Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, Holland
Lecture 4: Supreme Political Science—
Establishing a group of 7,000 Yogic Flyers, whose self-referral performance will engage Cosmic Intelligence to govern the nation, maintaining perfect order and achieving automation in administration—perfect administration through Natural Law
2 hours 10 minutes—20 November 1992, Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, Holland
Theme Ten:
Discovery of The Veda And Vedic Literature In
The Human Physiology And Its Application
To The Invincibility of Every Nation
(2 Lectures)
Lecture 1: Discovery of Veda and Vedic Literature in Human Physiology: Principles from modern science and Maharishi's Vedic Science locating invincibility in the structure and function of the human physiology
1 hour 15 minutes—1 July 1994, Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, Holland
Lecture 2: Celebrating the Dawn of Invincibility for Every Government
1 hour 45 minutes—3 May 1994, Maharishi Vedic University, Vlodrop, Holland
* Other courses on Invincible Defence include: Constitution of the Universe and Constitution of the Nation; Vedic Management; Government; Vedic Mathematics; Vedic Approach to Health; Conflict-Free Politics; Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation, TM-Sidhi Programme, and Yogic Flying; Higher States of Consciousness; Educators; Students; Perfection in Every Profession; Physics and Invincibility. back to text
Return to The Center for Advanced Military Science.
The preceding course outlines for the Supreme Military Science Course were taken from the book Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Defence by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Printed & Published by Age of Enlightenment Publications (Printers) INDIA, pp. 461-480). ©1996 by Maharishi Vedic University. All rights reserved.
Available from Maharishi International University Press.