February 28, 2008

The Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy was founded to identify, scientifically evaluate, and implement proven, prevention-oriented, forward-looking solutions to critical national and global problems.  

The Institute works in close cooperation with universities, research institutes, governmental and private foundations, and business and industry. Having attracted a core group of renowned scientists and expert policy advisors, the Institute is rapidly becoming a leading international center for the latest scientific knowledge about cutting-edge programs that work.


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Fairfield, IA 52557
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A Month of Transformation

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

As many of you have heard, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, illustrious sage of the Vedic Tradition of India and founder of the Transcendental Meditation program and Maharishi International University, passed away peacefully on February 5, 2008, at his international headquarters in Vlodrop, The Netherlands. With his life’s work complete, Maharishi said in his farewell message, “Live long the world in peace, happiness, prosperity, and freedom from suffering.” (Click here for a full report on Maharishi’s extraordinary life and global achievements.)

Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam

During these past months, Maharishi carefully put in place an ideal organizational and leadership structure to continue his global Movement. This includes, at the international level, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, the first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, and his Rajas, Prime Minister, and Global Ministers; and in America, an Executive Director of Operations and an Executive Director of Expansion, plus 12 National Directors and 12 Co-Directors, who will oversee the activities of all the US national organizations founded by Maharishi.

John Hagelin

Dr. John Hagelin and the new US leadership are currently designing a national expansion and outreach program to bring all of Maharishi’s programs to hundreds of schools, businesses and other organizations across the country. As a first phase of this dynamic expansion, Dr. Hagelin’s compelling new 12-part videotaped conference series, entitled “The Unified Field: The Key to Enlightenment, National Invincibility, and World Peace” is now being presented across America. (For a complete conference description and schedule, along with a list of participating cities, click here.)

Argiro Student Center

In these talks, Dr. Hagelin reveals how Unified Field-Based approaches can resolve twelve major areas of national concern, including education, defense, and architecture. At Maharishi International University, home of the Institute and already the world’s flagship institution of Unified Field-Based education, a university-wide architectural reconstruction project is now under way to bring the entire campus into accord with natural law. (For an excellent article describing this project, click here.) The centerpiece of this reconstruction is the newly opened Argiro Student Center, America’s largest academic building built according to the ancient design principles of Maharishi Vedic Architecture described by Dr. Hagelin—as well as the most advanced green technologies. (For more on the Argiro Student Center, click here.)

In addition to the conference series, two excellent talks by Dr. Hagelin on the subject of world peace and national invincibility are now available on the Institute website at www.ISTPP.org. Along with streaming video of both talks, the website features an excellent published article by Dr. Hagelin entitled “The Power of the Collective” about the proven impact of large peace-creating meditation groups. (To read the article, click here.) The website also features updated news stories about all the latest Institute initiatives to bring Maharishi’s proven, peace-creating programs to every corner of the globe.

We encourage you to visit the Institute website at www.ISTPP.org for more information about these exciting plans for expansion.


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