Education Tour Creates Huge Demand for
Transcendental Meditation Program in Schools
Dr. John Hagelin speaks at the Harvard Club in Boston.
Boston educators listen to presentations at the Harvard Club.
Principal Dr. George Rutherford addresses educators.
Hartford educators pack the education luncheon meeting.
Institute director Dr. John Hagelin and a renowned panel of educators and scientists have just completed an extremely successful national tour to promote Consciousness-Based education and the impact of the Transcendental Meditation program on educational outcomes. The speakers (click here for bios and photos) visited 13 major cities in Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, New York, and New England and spoke at luncheon conferences to over 1,200 principals, superintendents, teachers, school board members, and local government leaders.
“At each stop on the tour, our highly distinguished panel of experts—brain researchers, medical doctors, school principals, and respected leaders in higher education—presented the compelling results of 35 years of scientific research and classroom experience using the Transcendental Meditation technique in the classroom,” said Dr. Hagelin. “These research studies show not only that the TM technique is highly effective in developing a student’s full brain potential and reducing acute levels of classroom stress, but that the TM technique is the only scientifically proven program for achieving these results.”
Throughout the tour, the momentum of success kept building, with higher numbers of conference participants and increasing receptivity at every stop. Participating educators were enthusiastic about implementing Consciousness-Based education programs in their schools and eager to work with the National Committee for Stress-Free Schools to secure philanthropic funding from their local communities to support these programs. In Hartford, for example, 150 educators attended the luncheon conference, and then 100 came back for a follow-up meeting that evening to find out how to take concrete steps to introduce the TM program into their schools and classrooms—an unprecedented response.
“Two years ago, when we held education conferences in New York City and D.C., school principals might say, ‘Let’s set up a pilot program for 20 students,’” said Bob Roth, media director for the US Peace Government and a member of the National Committee for Stress-Free Schools. “Now they say, ‘Let’s involve the whole school.’ The sense is that the crisis of student stress has become simply unbearable, with 10 million students on antidepressants, 2–4 million with learning disorders, and suicide the third leading cause of death among teenagers. Conventional approaches to solve the problems—namely, medications—just aren’t working. I have never before seen this degree of seriousness and receptivity among educators. Now, when they hear about the impact of the TM technique in the classroom, they say, ‘We need this—and we need it now.’”
Excellent media coverage throughout the tour reflected the very positive reactions of educators attending the presentations. The many published articles included a story in the Boston Globe, one of America’s top newspapers, and an article on page 1 of the Metro section in the Providence Journal, New England’s second largest newspaper.
Students who practice the TM technique also spoke eloquently at the luncheon presentations about the benefits they have gained. Eighteen-year-old Amelia Freeberg received a standing ovation from the educators when she said, “If our generation can have this experience of Transcendental Meditation, and we can grow up to become intelligent, stable, balanced, and peaceful, we won’t just be the leaders of the most powerful country in the world—we’ll be the leaders of the most peaceful country in the world.”
Dr. Ashley Deans, director of the award-winning Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa (see and author of A Record of Excellence: The Remarkable Success of Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment, will now take the education tour to Canada, where he and other educators and scientists will visit six major cities during the next week to promote Consciousness-Based education.
“This unprecedented, overwhelmingly positive response of educators arises from the extraordinary promise of the Transcendental Meditation technique in the classroom—the promise of transforming the classroom experience by completely developing students’ total brain potential,” said Dr. Hagelin. “This is a revolution in the field of education with global implications. And it points toward a bright new destiny for America and the world.”