September 29, 2005

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Update 2: David Lynch tour, Philadelphia & D.C.

Lynch hagelin
David Lynch addresses a capacity crowd at the University of Pennsylvania

September 28—More than 800 students—a standing-room-only crowd—jammed Harrison Auditorium at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia tonight to see David Lynch, Dr. John Hagelin, Dr. Fred Travis, and Penn brain researcher Dr. Andrew Newberg speak on “Consciousness, Creativity, and the Brain.” An additional 600 students were turned away at the door, but university officials acted quickly and ran wires from the Harrison Auditorium stage to large outdoor speakers so that the overflow crowd could sit outside on the ground and listen to the presentation.

To read The Daily Pennsylvanian’s excellent coverage of this event, please visit

September 27—Students at American University in Washington, D.C., had only two days’ notice about the David Lynch tour that arrived on campus this evening. Yet 550 students poured into Bender Arena, the campus basketball arena, to hear David Lynch, Dr. John Hagelin, and Dr. Fred Travis speak.

Tour updates: On all the campuses visited so far, the “Consciousness, Creativity, and the Brain” forum has drawn about 5% of the total student population at the university—a phenomenal percentage for events like this one. In addition, more than 1,500 students have signed up to receive more information about the Transcendental Meditation program (www.TM.org) and the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace (www.davidlynchfoundation.com).

Please note: The presentation at New York University’s Cantor Film Center on September 29th is now sold out, so please do not call or email the event organizers for tickets. Thank you.

For more information about the “Consciousness, Creativity, and the Brain” tour and presentation, please visit www.istpp.org/enews/2005_09_26.html.


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