Hagelin Wows Palm Springs Conference
During West Coast Tour
Dr. John Hagelin |
On September 18, Dr. John Hagelin won tumultuous standing ovations from a packed audience of 2500 at a prestigious international conference co-sponsored by the Association for Global New Thought and the Institute of Noetic Sciences in Palm Springs, California.
Dr. Hagelin’s featured presentation, entitled “Unified Field-Based Civilization: Enlightenment as the Foundation for Global Transformation,” electrified the audience and was the most successful event of the conference. The audiotapes of Dr. Hagelin’s presentation, as well as his book Manual for a Perfect Government and other promotional materials, sold out within minutes after his talk.
“This audience was thrilled by the message of my talk—that the discovery of higher states of consciousness, and the practical means to attain these enlightened states, provide a foundation for a global transformation to a whole new civilization, in which the scientific truth of Unity becomes the primary organizing principle guiding human behavior and international relations,” Dr. Hagelin said.
Reminder: Los Angeles Yoga Expo on September 26
This Friday, September 26, Dr. Hagelin will give a featured presentation on “The Cosmos Within: The Scientific Discovery of Higher States of Consciousness” at the first annual Yoga Expo, to be held in Los Angeles. For all the details, please see our recent eNews at http://istpp.org/enews/2003_09_13.html.
If you live in the Los Angeles area, please join us at this exciting event—and please encourage your family and friends to do the same.
Upcoming Events: Prophets Conference in Sedona on October 5
On Sunday, October 5, at 11:00 a.m., Dr. Hagelin will be the keynote speaker at the prestigious Prophets Conference in Sedona, Arizona. He will speak on “Unified Field-Based Civilization: Science, Consciousness, and the Future of Government.”
“With the discovery of the Unified Field, modern physics has revealed the secret of Nature’s infinite organizing intelligence—how Nature manages the vast diversity of the ever-expanding universe on the ground of eternal Unity,” Dr. Hagelin said. “This Unified Field of pure, universal intelligence lies at the foundation of mind and matter—at the basis of everyone and everything in the universe.
“In higher states of consciousness—Enlightenment—human intelligence becomes aligned with Cosmic Intelligence. Then, every thought and action becomes fully in accord with Natural Law—universally life-supporting and globally enriching. Such spontaneously self-governing ‘global citizens’ are the key to a spontaneously self-governing nation—an enlightened civilization in which the scientific truth of Unity is lived, and unity and harmony prevail in the family of nations.”
For more information about the Prophets Conference, including maps and directions to Sedona, please visit http://www.greatmystery.org/sedonaconference.html.
The cost for the Prophets Conference is $25 per individual presentation, $110 for a single-day pass, and $325 for the entire three-day conference (October 3-5). Tickets may be ordered online at http://www.greatmystery.org/sedonaregister.html.
If you live within driving distance of Sedona, we strongly encourage you to attend Dr. Hagelin’s important and inspiring presentation. We look forward to seeing you there!