March 18, 2003

The Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy was founded to identify, scientifically evaluate, and implement proven, prevention-oriented, forward-looking solutions to critical national and global problems.  

The Institute works in close cooperation with universities, research institutes, governmental and private foundations, and business and industry. Having attracted a core group of renowned scientists and expert policy advisors, the Institute is rapidly becoming a leading international center for the latest scientific knowledge about cutting-edge programs that work.


Your tax-deductible contribution helps create the financial foundation for all the Institute’s research and public policy activities.

Or you can mail your check made payable to “MUM-ISTPP” to the Institute at the address below. If you have questions or need more information, call us at the number below. Thank you in advance for your timely support.

Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy
1000 North 4th Street
Fairfield, IA 52557
FAX 641.472.1165

Dennis Kucinich
  Dr. John Hagelin

Dear Friend of the Institute,

I want to share with you some very exciting developments at the Institute—a series of initiatives that we believe could truly help to end global violence and establish lasting peace on earth.


During the past two years, my work has largely focused on bringing peace to America and to the world. My efforts have focused on the following powerful initiatives:

Exploring the Fundamentals of Peace
Click to Enlarge

• Research on the Fundamentals of Peace. How to access the Unified Field—the fundamental, universal field of peace that lies deep within the consciousness of everyone—in order to generate a global influence of harmony and coherence through collective meditation and other peace-creating technologies.

• Creating a new, knowledge-based Peace Government for the U.S., composed of Cabinet-level scientists, educators, health professionals, and other experts in all 50 states. These are leading citizens who have demonstrated a strong commitment to the public good, and who possess the deep knowledge and practical competence to lead society in a peaceful and evolutionary direction. They will advise the current U.S. administration, consult with elected leaders, and promote deep scientific principles for a new paradigm of governance based on Natural Law—thus helping to achieve prevention-oriented, problem-free administration.

The establishment of this knowledge-based Peace Government is, in part, to replace our corrupt, money-driven system (in which elected leaders have no expertise apart from raising special interest money) with the principle of a “meritocracy”—leadership by the competent.

Our call for a new Peace Government is already receiving national media coverage. To read the excellent March 17 Washington Times article “Hagelin Proposes New U.S. Government,” please click here.

Architectural rendering of the University of World Peace, with branch campuses currently being established around the world.

• Spearheading a major international peace initiative that has already raised over $100 million to establish a University of Peace. Designed to counterbalance the global proliferation of military academies and graduate war colleges dedicated to advancing the science of war, the University of Peace is dedicated solely to the prevention of war and the promotion of peace. It will create a new profession in the world—that of professional peacemaker.

• Adding power to peace efforts throughout the world by

  • Supporting frontline peace activism that is helping to turn the tide against war.
  • Supporting the fundraising efforts of 501(c)3 organizations to create peace.
  • Most important, generating a powerful, physical influence of peace. We are helping to organize thousands of peace-creating experts in critical hotspots to diffuse the acute ethnic, religious, and political tensions that fuel terrorism and war. The influence of these rapidly expanding meditating groups underlies and supports the global upsurge of peace activism, and the resistance to war by governments worldwide. (For excellent in-depth news coverage of these efforts, please read the March 18 Providence Journal article “A Plan for Permanent World Peace” by clicking here.)


To transform America and bring peace to the world, your participation is vital. We must act now, and act decisively. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Join the U.S. Peace Government. If you are a scientist, educator, health professional, etc., and would like to represent proven Natural Law-based principles and programs as a member of the Peace Cabinet, please contact me at my Institute at 1-877-Hagelin (1-877-424-3546), by email at john@hagelin.org or via my website at http://www.Hagelin.org.

  2. Make a financial contribution today. By supporting my Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy, you will help transform our nation and the world in the direction of permanent peace. We need your support—now more than ever. Please give generously. You can donate online at


by clicking on the “Contribute” button in the left-hand sidebar. You can also make a contribution by mail (please make your check payable to “MUM-ISTPP”) at

Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy
1000 N. 4th Street
Fairfield, IA 52556

or by phone at 1-877-Hagelin (1-877-424-3546).

We have an exhilarating opportunity ahead of us to create permanent peace on earth. I look forward to meeting with you and working with you in the coming months, and I send you my deepest, heartfelt appreciation for your continuing support.

With all best wishes,

John Hagelin


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