October 9, 2002

The Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy was founded to identify, scientifically evaluate, and implement proven, prevention-oriented, forward-looking solutions to critical national and global problems.  

The Institute works in close cooperation with universities, research institutes, governmental and private foundations, and business and industry. Having attracted a core group of renowned scientists and expert policy advisors, the Institute is rapidly becoming a leading international center for the latest scientific knowledge about cutting-edge programs that work.


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Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy
1000 North 4th Street
Fairfield, IA 52557
FAX 641.472.1165

Reminder: Dr. John Hagelin in Chicago on Saturday, October 12


If you live in or near Chicago, we want to remind you that Dr. John Hagelin will be a featured speaker at the Chicago Holistica Expo on Saturday, October 12, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center (formerly the Rosemont Convention Center) at 5555 N. River Road in Rosemont

Please join Dr. Hagelin for this inspiring event—and please encourage your family and friends in the Chicago area to do the same.

For directions to the Convention Center, please visit


For advance tickets, please call 888-655-1122.

Expo tickets to Dr. Hagelin’s talk are $35. Please note: We have just been informed that the Chicago Expo will require an additional $15 entrance fee to gain access to Dr. Hagelin’s talk and to over 170 other Expo exhibits, workshops, and lectures.

Our earlier email announcement describing Dr. Hagelin’s talk on “The Cosmos Within” and the Holistica Expo tour is reprinted below for your convenience. We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

Recent News Coverage

To read a wonderful recent interview with Dr. Hagelin that arose from the advance publicity for the Holistica Expos, please visit


John Hagelin To Speak In Cleveland, Chicago, And Los Angeles (sent August 31)

Dr. John Hagelin will tour the nation this fall as the featured speaker for Holistica Expos, a nationally renowned organization promoting alternative methods of living, healing, and spiritual growth.

Dr. Hagelin will visit Cleveland, Chicago, and Los Angeles to present “The Cosmos Within: Science, Consciousness, and the Ultimate Reality” (see schedule below). He will discuss

  • the radical transformation taking place in our scientific understanding of the universe and of human potential;
  • new research revealing that “enlightenment,” the full development of human consciousness, is everyone's birthright—the spontaneous byproduct of the fully developed, balanced functioning of the brain; and
  • long-range “field effects” of consciousness that provide a powerful tool for transforming collective consciousness and alleviating social stress, violence, and conflict.

Expo tickets to Dr. Hagelin’s talk are $35. Participation in other aspects of the Expo, which include over 170 exhibits, workshops, and lectures, costs an additional $12 for the entire day or $20 for the weekend. For more information, please visit


We urge everyone living near Cleveland, Chicago, and Los Angeles to attend these inspiring talks by Dr. Hagelin—and please encourage your family and friends in the area to do the same.


CLEVELAND—Saturday, October 5
IX Center
6200 Riverside Drive, Cleveland
2:00-4:00 p.m.

CHICAGO—Saturday, October 12
The Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
5555 N. River Road, Rosemont
2:00-4:00 p.m.

LOS ANGELES—Saturday, November 2
Pasadena Conference Center
300 East Green Street, Pasadena
1:00-3:00 p.m.


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