January 12, 2002

The Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy was founded to identify, scientifically evaluate, and implement proven, prevention-oriented, forward-looking solutions to critical national and global problems.  

The Institute works in close cooperation with universities, research institutes, governmental and private foundations, and business and industry. Having attracted a core group of renowned scientists and expert policy advisors, the Institute is rapidly becoming a leading international center for the latest scientific knowledge about cutting-edge programs that work.


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Fairfield, IA 52557
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Stephen Collins Continues To Speak Out About Peace

Stephen Collins, star of the WB network's "7th Heaven" and a long-time TM and TM-Sidhi practitioner, continues to promote the Institute's Proposal to Prevent Terrorism during his many television appearances. Last Monday, Mr. Collins was a featured guest on "The Rosie O'Donnell Show" and spent much of his air time discussing the Institute's proposal to establish a group of 40,000 experts in "technologies of consciousness" to neutralize the acute ethnic and religious tensions that fuel violence and social conflict. He was so inspiring that Rosie O'Donnell encouraged him to announce the website addresses for the Proposal (www.permanentpeace.org) and for the Transcendental Meditation program (www.TM.org) so that viewers could find out more.

The show had a measurable impact on viewers nationwide. After the show ended, the number of visitors to www.permanentpeace.org that day leaped from 200 to over 2,300. In addition, between Monday and Wednesday, more than 10,000 people visited the TM.org website, and another 6,000 visited www.Maharishi.org — 7-8 times the usual number. The national centers teaching the TM program also reported significant increases in call volume and information requests.

All of us at the Institute send our thanks to Stephen Collins for his good words on "The Rosie O'Donnell Show," and we look forward to his continuing success.


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