Leading Physician Supports Peace Proposal
Every day John is hearing about leaders in society who are coming out publicly to support Maharishis plan to create permanent world peace. This past week he received a newsletter published by Dr. Christiane Northrup. Dr. Northrup is one of the most noted doctors in the U.S. She appears on PBS regularly taking about womens health. She is also the author of the New York Times bestsellers Womens Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause.
Last month Dr. Northrup began promoting Maharishis plan for world peace in her monthly newsletter, Health Wisdom for Women, which is subscribed to by tens of thousands of American women. She mentioned the Maharishi Effect research and the power of the Unified Field, and promoted the making of donations to support Maharishis plan for 40,000 peacemakers in India.
In her December issue she says,
"Last month I told you about the "Maharishi Effect"the scientifically documented decreased incidence of violent events when 1 percent of the population of a given area is practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM). Shortly after I wrote that, one of my friends who meditates told me about the newly launched Maharishi Global Development Fund. The not-for-profit organization is training and supporting a group of 40,000 peacemakers in India, where it is relatively inexpensive to support them. Maharishi, who introduced TM to the world 40 years ago, notes that the only way to permanently rid the world of terrorism and create lasting peace is from the level of the Unified Field of Pure Consciousnessa single, universal field of intelligence from which emanates all forms and phenomena in the Universe. The principle behind using meditation or any other modality to positively affect the world is that you must change consciousness first (which is part of the Unified Field). From this change in consciousness, the outer, physical world changes. The goal is to have a $1 billion endowment fund to support the group permanently... (She then gives details of how people can make a donation.) ...Let me be clear about one thing: I completely support our country's current approach to combating terrorism. Terrorism is a hate crime and, like domestic violence and racial crimes, it must not be tolerated. I also know that a little help from our collective inner wisdom and The Unified Field (the level from which reality is created in the first place) can work miracles and assist in ways that are beyond our wildest dreams."
Many inquiries and donations have begun to be received by the Fund as a direct result of her newsletter.
John feels that by spreading the understanding of the Unified Field and the Maharishi Effect we will see many more influential leaders come forward so that we can rapidly bring fulfillment to Maharishis plan to create permanent world peace.