Thousands gather in Iowa to promote peace
If violence begets violence, can peace beget peace and avert the threat of war?
Yes, according to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. In fact, he says it is the only way to prevent war and create permanent peace.
Right now, 3,000 people from all over America have assembled in Fairfield, Iowa, at Maharishi International University to prove the point. They are practicing stress-reducing, peace-promoting Transcendental Meditation techniques together in two large Golden Domes. Their goal? To neutralize the acute stress and tension gripping America and the world and resolve a crisis that threatens terrible destruction.
At the same time, Maharishi has undertaken a massive plan to create permanent world peace by establishing a group of 40,000 advanced meditation experts in India. Their sole occupation will be to practice ancient, yet scientifically proven, Vedic technologies of peace to create a powerful influence of positivity and harmony in world consciousness which will prevent the eruption of negative trends in the world. Complete news release
With the country consumed by fear and a sense of helplessness, and with the airwaves and newspapers filled with stories of preparations for war, patriotic Americans of all religious and ethnic backgrounds are joining together to create peace.